Basic Principles

Compiled and/or created by

Tadao Ogura, M.D.


I  On Pain and Suffering
1  No Pain, No Gain
2  Endure the unendurable; tolerate the intolerable
3  Your pain and suffering is the love of Jesus (Mother Teresa)
4  Your leprosy is a gift from God (Mother Teresa)
5  Unbearable pain, unforgettable lesson

II  On Choices in Life
1  Do what you hate to do first; the rest comes easy
2  Always take the harder of two choices
3  If you don’t know what to do, do nothing
Get out of your head and heart and tune into your gut

III  On Attitudes
1  Don't react, but act
2  KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)
3  One day at a time; one thing at a time (Serenity Prayer)
4  Ask, and ye shall receive; seek, and ye shall find (Jesus)
5  Do everything with your heart and soul
6  Live each moment as a gift from the Heavens

IV  On Insecurity, Confidence & Self-Image
1  Insecurity can be the driving force for excellence
2  Insecurity is normal and natural for humans
Self-confidence is often an illusion
Self-image is just an image
Real confidence comes only from the deepest faith

V  On You vs. Yourself
1  Keep the focus on yourself
2  Look into yourself before you blame others
3  You are blind about yourself
4  You see your own problems in others better than in yourself

VI  On Relationships
1  You have no control over people, places and things
2  Your relationships with others mirror your relationship with yourself
3  People treat you by the way you treat yourself
4  Take care of yourself first before helping others
4  Birds of a feather flock together
5  Seesaw Principle
6  Rubber Band Principle

VII  On Togetherness & Connections
1  United we stand; divided we fall
2  Together with people, you survive any hardship
3  Humility helps you to reach out fo help
4  Communing Process (H. Kelman)

VIII  On Wants vs. Needs
1 God gives you what you need, not what you want
2 Your "wants" are the barriers for you to go beyond
3 What you really need will be given to you
4 When God gives you what you need, you may hate it

IX  On Being vs. Doing
1  How you are is far more meaningful than what you achieve
2  To be or not to be. That is the question. (Hamlet)
3  Rich inside, poor outside; rich outside, poor inside

X  On Life
1  God gave you life; how to live it is up to you
2  Don't try to understand life; just live it (Banana Principle)
3  Every day is a good day (a Zen master)
4  Life is a mountain to climb, no matter how hard or how high
5  A “good life” is often a hard and painful life
6  An “easy life” is mostly for young souls

XI  On Love
1  Tough love is true love; enabling is self-love
2  Tough love is much tougher on yourself
3  God is Love; Love is God
4  Heavenly love shines equally on all beings
5  Even when you hate God, God still loves you
6  Love melts hate as light dispels darkness
7  Love your enemies (Jesus)

XII  On God and the Heavens
1  When your mind opens, you see God everywhere
2  When your heart opens, you feel God within
3  When your soul opens, you become one with God
4  All's right with the World (R. Browning)