The Art of Breathing

Tadao Ogura, M.D.


2. Notes on Total Breathing

If you have truly mastered both Abdominal and Reverse Breathing, the Total Breathing technique should not be difficult. If you have problems with this exercise, you may want to go back and practice both Abdominal and Reverse Breathing separately for a few weeks more until you feel ready to try Total Breathing again.

The actual process for Total Breathing is not very complicated, again, assuming you have mastered the techniques that form the basis for the movements. You are actually just filling your abdomen with air (so your lower abdomen extends out), then continuing to inhale more air into your body by filling up your chest (so your chest extends out). When you exhale, you exhale the contents of your chest first (so your chest deflates), and then the contents of the rest of the abdominal cavity (so your abdomen pushes in). Pour air in, pour air out.

It is recommended that you practice a few cycles each of Abdominal Breathing and Reverse Breathing during each practice session before moving on to Total Breathing.


1) As before, don't mix up the exercises. Concentrate on the technique. Don't get distracted. Always make sure you are maintaining the proper standing position.

2) Also, maintain your breathing rhythm. Try to take at least four counts to breathe in, hold your breath for at least four counts or longer, and eight to sixteen counts to breathe out. If you have been practicing the exercises consistently, this should not be difficult. If it is difficult, again, try practicing the first two exercises only for a few weeks more until your technique and your muscles are more developed. Don't worry about taking longer to advance to this level — it's better not to rush into an exercise you are not fully ready for.

When you feel comfortable with Total Breathing to a point where you can perform the exercise without having to concentrate extremely hard on what you are doing, and can do the exercise consistently without any mistakes, you will be ready for the next level.


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